AT LONG LAST. A tutorial for the bacon and egg plush toys.
First, let me preface by saying this idea is far from original and is super simple but I did figure it all out on my own with trial and error. I didn't use any existing pattern as a jumping off point, though I have seen plush bacon and egg toys and other kawaii food toys. This "pattern" is just so simple that I don't want anyone out there thinking I'm merely recycling some existing tutorial (I haven't even googled to see if a tutorial for the way I make these exists, though I'm sure it probably does since this is such a simple design/pattern).
Ok, now that that's out of the way, let's start with a list of supplies:
Fleece (red, white, yellow)
Embroidery floss (black, white are the minimum you need color wise)
Felt (black, I prefer wool blend)
Neutral sewing thread (I always use off white)
Ball point sewing machine needle
Sewing machine with/zig zag stitch option
Marking pens
Cardboard template (for bacon)
Drinking glass (for egg yolks)
For fabric sizes it will really depend on how big you want your finished products. I tend to get my fleece from the remnant bin and base my finished items on the fabric I have on hand. For the egg fleece I prefer a shinier type for the white and a nappier for the yolk. For the bacon I prefer nappier for both. (for those unfamiliar with fleece there are different qualities, I think the lower quality stuff is the shiny and the "anti pill" is what I refer to as "nappy". For the bacon fat I highly prefer "nappy" so it looks more like sticky fat).
For felt and embroidery floss you only need scraps.
We'll start with the egg tutoral.
EGG TUTORIAL (click pics to enlarge):
Trace a drinking glass to make your egg yolks. I use a disappearing marker when working with light color fabrics especially if the raw edge will be visible on the finished product. Always test your markers on a scrap first (some don't disappear as well on different types of fabrics).
The size of your yolks will depend on the size of the drinking glass you use and will determine the size of your finished egg.
Free hand cut small circles from black felt scraps. Size of the eyes will depend on the size of your egg yolks. You could also fully embroider the eyes if you prefer.
Situate the eyes either low or high on the face. I prefer low but higher up is just as cute.
Hand stitch eyes to face using matching floss (you could use colored felt for they eyes, but I prefer black). I use prefer to use two or three strands of floss. A running stitch makes a neater eye than a whip style stitch (where the stitch comes up under the felt and whips over the edge of the felt to catch the felt to the fleece). A whip style stitch will make the edges pucker a bit and distort the roundness of the eye.
Using two strands of white floss, add the shine to the each eye. Shine can be on either side but keep it higher on the eye and have both eyes match.
Using three strands, embroider the mouth using a back stitch or stem stitch (I prefer back stitch, and for this size egg I only need three stitches to make the mouth).
This is a great way to use up some of those little floss scraps in your collection. For the egg yolks I use reds, pinks, darker yellows, and oranges for mouthes.
Using the prepped egg yolk face, free hand draw a fried egg shape onto the wrong side of the white fleece.
DO NOT CUT OUT THE WHITE. If you want to make your fabric more manageable, cut a square around the egg white shape. It will be easier to sew later if you DO NOT cut out the exact white shape.
(or you could make a template on paper/cardboard and have all your egg whites be identical. . .I like free handing them for variety).
Place the egg yolk face down and situate the traced white on top of the yolk so the yolk is positioned on the white as you want it on the finished product.
Flip the white over and top stitch the yolk to the white using a wide zig zag stitch. Stuff lightly at about the half way point in sewing. Make sure the zig zag goes from the yellow to the white to insure the yolk is fully attached (and you'll get a nicer finish if the stitch completely covers the raw edge)
(for the zig zag stitch, I don't change my standard stitch length I only change the size of the zig zag. My machine has a very small choice and a wider choice. I pick the wider choice for all the zig zag stitching for the eggs. Test the zig zag on a scrap to see which option on your machine works best for you).
With the yolk now attached to the right side of the fleece, assemble the rest of the egg by placing the yolk side face down onto the right side of another piece of white fleece.
Using the same zig zag stitch setting you used for attaching the yolk, sew along the line you drew for the shape of the egg white.
Leave a small opening for turning.
Trim around the seam leaving a generous 1/4 allowance. Clip any severe curves or dips as you see necessary. Leave a bit of extra allowance at the opening (to make it easier to hand stitch it closed).
Turn the egg right side out and roll smooth all the seams to get a nicely defined fried egg white shape. Hand smooth the egg to get it as flat as possible.
Top stitch around the edge of the egg yolk, staying just to the edge of the yolk.
(pic shows back of egg)
Ladder stitch closed the opening.
Enjoy the cuteness!!
(I'll post the bacon tutorial tomorrow)
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