Friday, November 6, 2015

FLUFF PROJECT: October and November DONE!

Holy crap on a cracker, I'm AHEAD on Fluff Project stuff.  Yes, I finally got the crabs and the chameleons done so that gets me all caught up.

Blah, blah, blah, pics or it didn't happen.

Crabs and chameleons attacking my sewing machine!

Aww, too cute to eat.

Yes, yes, yes, I know my quota is five items a month and there are only four crabs here.  Rest assured that after I took these pics (and realized I failed basic counting *headdesk*) I sat down and made ONE CRAB straight through.  Yes, I actually completed a project (every. step. even closing it up!) in one go.  It was shocking, trust me.  So I DO have five crabs (but that last one just didn't want his pic taken!)

Chameleon close up time.

Looking all innocent as they crawl all over my sewing machine.

Get down here you naughty lizards!

I was so tempted to keep the first one of these I made (still might!) but I wanted to have five for Fluff so unless I make more chameleons (which I'm thinking about doing for Mirabel) then there will be no chameleons for me.  If I do keep one, it will be one of the green batik ones.  I really love that fabric for this project.

Speaking of fabric, again I have to point out that my crazy fabric stash made these wild chameleons possible.  They also made the variety possible.  Since I have a lot of fat quarters in my stash, small projects like these are perfect.  If memory serves, I can get two chameleons from one FQ (with some left over but I don't think enough to make one full toy).  Since I don't (as a rule) hoard batiks, I can rid myself of them in the perfect way.  (yes, I said rid myself of them.  I still don't like batiks much even though time and again I've used them for projects I love including not only these chameleons but some other fluff toys and the backing of my Ollie Memorial Quilt. . .yeah, what's up with that?)

Now I just need to make December's Five for Fluff and I've met my yearly goal (actually, I'll have exceeded it by a few since I made some extras here and there).

BUT. .. I need to get the stuffies for Mirabel done (and mailed before December 1) first.  I think I'm going to see how many crabs I can get out of the last of that polka dot fabric (I'm guessing at least 3).  Then I want to double dip and make some bacon and eggs (and take pics as I do so I can get that long neglected tutorial done before the year is up).  I also want to try out this idea I have for pickles.  I have a promising pattern but it was for a felt pickle and I want to use fleece so I'll have to see if that will work out for me.  But first I need to make my final decisions on what I'm doing so I can put together a felt order.  I need black felt so I'll just go through and see what other colors I could use (because paying shipping just for one color is nuts).  I know white will be on the list, too, since it gets used a TON.  (hmm, I also want to make some more jelly fish, too. . .maybe I'll do that first since those are pretty easy. . .and the stuff to make them is already at my work table).

Ok, that's all I got for now.

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