Friday, November 6, 2015

For a Swap: Disney Patches JKL

Showing off the patches for the ongoing Disney patch swap.

The whole group right there.  Now for the closeups.

J is Jafar.  I always knew I'd do this patch for J.  I love this line and my sister and I will crack each other up saying it to each other (totally randomly, too).

It's embroidered letters with fabric marker beard.

PERFECT backing fabric.

I've been doing so great with backing fabrics for these lately and it makes me smirk, all proud like of my crazy fabric stash.

In my defense (hoarding wise) that arabian nights fabric came in a mystery fat quarter bundle.  I think it was one of the scrap vomit bundles I bought YEARS ago.  And I used the majority of the two FQs of that print (one was buildings, one was people) for a pencil pouch for a charity thing.

K is for King Louie.

I love the Jungle Book and I was tempted to do Baloo for B but I ended up doing all villains for that group.

Louie is crayon tinting with single strand embroidery for all the lines.  The colors are more defined in person.  (and this time I remembered to put the white crayon layer first. . .forgot that on the last ones I made).

Backing fabric.  Of course I had to do crazy monkeys to go with King Louie.  That and I didn't have any "jungle" fabric (meaning something that looked like palm leaves/jungle growth).  I love this fabric and have used it for other projects (patches and a stuffed toy).

L is for Lumiere.

I was about stumped for L.  It took me a long time to realize that Lumiere was the best choice for this one.  Then when I was scouting for images I got the "oh crap" feeling when I saw how detailed he is.  I wasn't sure I could pull it off with crayon tinting so I opted for felt cut outs with embroidered details.

I cut out the image and used it as a template for the felt.  The yellow is one continuous piece (then I added yellow details--you can't see them that well in the pic).  I glued down the felt then did the embroidery through the felt, fabric, and batting.

I have to admit, I like this patch but I also see the flaws in it like big red flags.  Lumiere's eyes look SUPER drunk, which amuses me more than it annoys me.  What annoys me are the wee smudges on the felt.  That's what I get for using ball point pen to make my not-so-light (it turned out) stitching lines.  It doesn't look horrible, but it irks me because I know it shouldn't be there.  His tongue annoys me a bit, too.  It's not sized quite right or something.  Again, not horrible but irksome (just a bit).

Another backing fabric WIN.  Silverware, of course.

And this is where I have to admit that I'm nuts.  I REMEMBER what's in my stash, to a certain degree.  When I had decided on these designs, I stared thinking about the backing fabrics and I immediately thought of the arabian nights fabric and the silverware.  Nevermind that I hadn't used that arabian nights fabric in about a year!.  I wasn't as clear with the monkey fabric.  I hadn't forgotten I had that fabulous fabric but I was stuck on finding something "jungle" so I hit my greens first but nothing was right (I was thinking about a fabric I had that had big palm/leaves on it but I think I must have used that all up).  Once I gave up on that idea I remembered the crazy monkeys and that was that.

So, what's up next?  Well, the M, N, O round is next for this series and I already know what I'm doing for all of those.  So while I wait I'm working on a Winter/Xmas themed Ninni (have my idea all worked out for it, might need a trip to Pat Catan's for one supply) and a winter/xmas themed art doll (no clue what I'm doing for that. . .right now I can't shake a carousel horse idea but I'm not sure about that).  Then I need to work on some stuffies for Mirabel (a charity in Australia but Spoonflower is taking donations so that would mean cheaper for me to ship so I'm in to make some stuff) and then my December quota for the Fluff Project.  Speaking of, that's my next post so. . .off we go to that.

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