Saturday, August 2, 2014

Pets on Quilts

Lily Pad Quilting has an annual Pets on Quilts show.  You can show off a pic of your pet on one of your quilts (or just animal themed quilts).  There is voting for favorites and just random giveaways of a ton of great prizes from a host of kind sponsors.

Previously, I never had a quilt to show off so I didn't really participate beyond commenting on a few of the posts I saw.

But this year?  Well, this year I have a finished quilt to share.

It's my crazy mini quilt (pictured with and without the decorations).

But the real point of this show is to brag about our pets, so my official entry is for Cat on a Quilt.

Two cats, one quilt.  It may be small but it's big enough for a bath.  Eugene is helping Olive out with her hygiene.  They are always washing each other (when they're not nipping and swatting--they play rough!)

Gene on his own.  I couldn't get him to look at me for anything.  Ollie was distracting him, getting into something under the table (I sew in my kitchen at the kitchen table so there is always something on or around the table that they have to inspect).

And Ollie having her solo flop on the mini quilt.  She's always showing off her bewbies.  She loves to roll around doing Super Cute to try and get you to pet her.  She loves belly rubs and all kinds of attention.  Both are very people oriented and they love each other.  I'm very lucky to have two great cats.

The quilt?  Well, it was mailed off to my swap partner.  So my very first quilt isn't even one I'm keeping!  That's ok, I have tons of fabric, I can make another.


  1. Cute, cute mini the fabrics! Your kitties are beautiful!

  2. Beautiful kitties. Hard to share such a cute quilt.

  3. I love cats... they are so funny. They have definitely given the inspection and approval to the swap quilt. You will have to make them their own!

  4. That's too funny with your cats sharing the mini! Maybe a couple of kitty quilts are in their future? :)

  5. I believe that they have now officially requested a couple of bigger quilts. Very cute shot of them sharing that very cute mini.

  6. Ollie looks like the mod kitties on the fabric - how unique..

  7. Cute babies! They can share even the smallest of spaces if they want to!

  8. Well, I love the quilt, but I really adore the pictures of the two of them sharing it, I guess you'll have to make them one of their own.

  9. Adorable kitties and pretty mini quilts.

  10. Gene and Ollie are very cute quilt inspectors

  11. Hi! Your cats are beautiful and I love the quilts you have made! You hve found adorable Fabrics! x Teje

  12. How funny to see them crowding onto that mini quilt!

  13. Those two are too funny! Thank you for sharing!

  14. Lovely photo of the two of them on the mini quilt! They are gorgeous!

  15. Your kitty quilt is adorable, as are Olive and Eugene! Love that they want to lay on the mini cat quilt. Too cute!

  16. Your babies are adorable, you are going to have to make them their own cat quilt!

  17. Gene looks like my very own quilt tester. I love the pink cat print on your mini quilt.

  18. I love your's so very retro!! Your cats crack me up!!!

  19. The picture of them trying to "share" the quilt is hilarious and so cute.

  20. I think the cats are just waiting for you to make them their very own quilt..

  21. ha! you def need a bigger quilt or have to make another! ha ha! your kitties are gorgeous!

  22. Just right for two little kitties, who look lovely. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Susie x

  23. Excellent effort of cats on cat quilt.

  24. Cute mini quilt. I love the picture of the two of them trying to fit on it.

  25. Cute mini quilt. Nice place for a bath it seems.

  26. Ha ha on Olive showing off her "bewbies" -- I laughed out loud. Also love the smoky colour of Eugene (and both their names--great!) They will be getting my vote!
