Thursday, October 4, 2012

October Overhaul: Sharing my messy shame

This first week of Pinkapotamus's October Overhaul is sharing your mess.

SO. . .here goes.

(note:  I did some quick and dirty photo editing on two of these to lighten them up a bit so you can really see the mess--the lighting in my house isn't so hot).

This is my main work area at my kitchen table.  Normally it's not this messy.  I try to keep only active projects at this table but right now I'm kind of crafty ADD and have a bunch of projects going at once. 

The junk next to the box for the slice of cake postcard I'm about half way through making (and the worst part is, I think it will end up only being a practice one, so I'll have another go at that craft before I get it good enough to gift).

The "Felt Friends" book is for part of a Halloween swap I'm in.  There's a really cute change purse pattern in there that I think I'm going to make but I'm a little intimidated by working with a zipper (also featured in this pic).

The fabrice stack in front of my sewing machine is my holiday stash (which is mostly Halloween).  I'm using it to make all the items for my Halloween swap.  So far I've completed one component of the swap.  It's in that small box at the left of the picture.  I'll show it all off later in the month (when it's time to show what we made from our stash).

There are also two projects in the mess on the right side of the table.  At the top of that mini heap are the socks for the sock monkey commission (need to make three).  Under the socks is my scrap map of the USA.  The major mess in the foreground are some supplies I use a lot and my scrap and trash bowls.  Note, the bowls don't house any "good scraps".  The trash bowl is for snips of thread and unusable stuff.  The scrap bowl is for scraps I deem too small to keep but too big to toss.  I use them to test my machine when I switch stitch patterns or re-thread (or if I have any issues).

You can also see my sewing machine and iron there in the background.  (for the record, the mess you see in the far background--all those boxes--is NOT part of my crafty mess--that's my recycling pile that we purge every month or so).

Think that mess is bad?  You haven't seen ANYTHING yet.

THIS is what's on my dining room table.  I'd like to say it only takes over half the table but by this point it's more like three quarters of the table.  This represents the mass of my fabric stash and a lot of my finished items.  THIS part of the mess is what I desperately need a shelf to contain.  One good shelf and/or a few bins and this could be cleaned up and organized in a snap.

Evne though it doens't look it, it is a bit organized.  All the fabric is (for the most part) organized.  I have all the yardage/half yardage in its own packages.  All the fat quarters are organized warm/cool and by pattern (animals/floral/dots/etc) within their color classification.  Remnants or odd cuts are separate and so are scraps.  So, like I said, getting this mess under control shouldn't be that hard.

NOT pictured is the overflow on the floor next to the table.  I have two big boxes of stuffing there and a big cloth bag full of stuff (some fabric but mostly notions and stuff or other crafty adventures).  I just couldn't get a good enough pic of that mini mess (but I consider it part of this mess).

Sickened yet?  Feel like your watching "Hoarders"?

Oh, we're not done yet.

This mini mess is in my t.v. room.  For the record, this mess isn't all crafty stuff.  The crafty stuff is mostly just on the very top (there are dvds and nintendo stuff on the base level). 

This mess is mostly my felt and small hand sewn projects that I like to work on when I'm watching t.v.  I keep the felt separate so it doesn't get crushed (and creased).  I also keep my embroidery floss tote here.  Again, this is a mess that's kind of organized so really whipping it into shape would be very easy.  And even once I get it all organized I'd still craft in front of the t.v. (and use my t.v. tray for that).

So that's the majority of my mess.

Not pictured is the tote of stuff upstairs (in what will become my crafting room).  That tote used to hold ALL of my crafty junk but you can see those days are LONG gone.  Also not pictured is the project I'm working on in my spare bedroom on my third floor.  I don't really consider that a "mess" since everthing stored up there is actively being used for the project and I had to take over the spare bedroom because the project is so large (it's the Giant Squid, which takes up a large bit of room).  I also don't consider the Giant Squid project part of my mess because it will disappear once the project is done.

So, what kind of prize do I win for being the messiest?

October Overhauling


  1. Finally I found someone who knows true clutter when she sees it. I am having the same problem with overflow from room to room. During the overhaul I will be trying to get it organized into part of two rooms. Like you, I have to work with the supplies as I am cleaning. Wishing you luck!

    Distressed Donna Down Home

    1. There are a lot of things I'm not currently using that can be organized.

      I'm excited to get to the organzing. I bet I find stuff I forgot I bought (maybe I'll have a giveaway if I find anything good enough to share).

  2. I want to come and craft with you. I spy several things in your stash that totally inspire me. I wish you the best of luck in your decluttering process. Thanks for joining October Overhauling!

    1. I'm impressed that you could really see anything in detail in those pics. I think I should add "get more lights" to my Overhaul project.
